National Survey Reflects State of Marijuana Use

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration released their most recent (2022) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (SAMHSA).  SAMHSA is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Our tax dollars at work. The survey’s results were fascinating. The survey collected data from tens of millions of people about their use of drugs, and marijuana was on the survey list. Nearly sixty-two million people, aged 12 and over, used marijuana in the last month.

National Drug Survey Data Showed No Perceived Harm

The survey collected important data about the perceived harm of using marijuana, and other drugs. And as expected, 75% of the marijuana users perceived little to no harm from their use. The survey compared the perceived harm of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes. The survey confirmed that all other types of drugs were perceived to be more harmful than marijuana. For instance, 93% of heroin users perceived their use caused great harm to themselves. And not surprising, over 68% of cigarette and alcohol, respectively, perceived their use to cause great harm to themselves.

This is what a germinated cannabis seed looks like.

SAMHSA Drug Survey Importance

The survey’s important because it is the most extensive collection of data on U.S. drug use. The data was analyzed and broken down into several specific categories. All demographics and all States are analyzed. The information is current and extensive. All aspects of the methodology are presented. The information is helpful for educators, researchers and care givers. Go look at the research yourself and decide. Last Chance Asylum provides current cannabis research. We do the research and so should you.

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